Tuesday, February 26, 2008

sasquatch stories volume one

lifted from http://bfpteam.yuku.com/topic/550

1924 - Ape Canyon, Mount St. Helens, Washington. Fred Beck and several other prospectors were puzzled by very large footprints they found in the canyon - until they encountered the beast that made them. They saw a large, ape-like creature peering from behind a tree, watching them. One of the miners leveled his rifle at the creature, shot and possibly grazed it in the head. It ran off out of sight. Later, another creature was seen by Beck. As it stood on the edge of a canyon wall, Beck shot it in the back. It fell, irretrievably, into the canyon. These acts of violence by the humans was not to go unavenged by the Sasquatch. That night, the miners' cabin was attacked by at least two of the primates. For five hours, they pounded on the door and walls, and hurled rocks onto the roof in an attempt to break in. Fortunately, the windowless cabin, built to withstand harsh winters, kept the Sasquatch from entering. As dawn approached, the creatures abandoned their assault. When the miners finally ventured outside, they found numerous Bigfoot prints all around the cabin, and a strip of wood gouged out from between two logs.

everyone who digs at the trails knows that when you are out there you feel as though you are being watched. I think that this is a great story and we should take it to heart, we are all monkeys diggin around in the woods and I for one am totally willing to coexist peacefully with our sasquatch friends, if we are nice to them they are less likely to push trees down right in the middle of the jumps.

follow this URL for a video treat. http://www.aqvz76.dsl.pipex.com/video/Dagger.mov

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