Wednesday, April 2, 2008

rainy days, airborne

a picture of mike shredding from last summer...picture by davereuss. more can be found at

rain has returned just in time to finish the new line: named airborne. it needs a lot of work but when it is done you could start secondplace in a train, pass by jumping over someone, get passed back, then jump over them again and pass back, and then if you were an idiot you could land on eachother. shared landings will make for scared landings. anyway, the name airborne comes from this awesome movie...

(which, if you havent seen it is about a gnarly downhill rollerblade race which the main character totally cheats in and wins by jumping over people. f-ing lame)

i used to work at a video store so...yeah, i watched a lot of bad movies and now taking it out on the trails. so we have, cool runnings, airborne and next year mavericks and maybe "the air up there" (you know, the kevin bacon movie about recruiting africans to play basketball)

ill leave you with a video of some austin trail days with mickey marshal and some other dudes, maybe jason sunday? i cant tell. any day at the trails is a good day..

Austin Texas 2008 from ek on Vimeo.

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