Wednesday, April 16, 2008

separation anxiety

so, you cant really tell, but this is not the way a healthy shoulder should look. yesterday i went to the trails to finish "beer run" and met with a mishap. I had forgotten something in my car, so I rode down the hill and rode the wallride in the valley on the way down. I nearly went down the first time, so with "one more time" in my head, i gave it another go. Somehow I flipped over the bars, and went straight to the point of my shoulder. Otis was the only soul there, and if he could have driven me home he would have, but instead I had to drag my broken body out of the trails, to my house, where I showered (cause I knew I would be at the hospital all night) and then to the e.r. I have a Grade 1 AC joint (shoulder) separation. I will be in a sling for a few weeks and off my bike for six....bummed.
Nicole has been great, helping me do just about everything and for now I am just watching movies and hobbling around...I plan on using the time to get my new road bike runnin, maybe film and edit some video and generally be productive. cant wait to get back on the bike.
here are a couple of shots of the trails from the day of the accident. I actually got my video camera to work and filmed a couple of clips so hopefully i can get those up soon.

even sasquatch gets the blues..

on a lighter note, local boys Jim Tharpe, Wyatt, Ian and some others went down to SD for a mountain bike contest and I saw this photo over on liquid dirt, where you can find a photo credit..shit im lazy.


CMcMahon said...

Oh, man. That really sucks.

Cru Jones said...

That sucks, man. Heal up quick!!