Saturday, November 22, 2008


maybe this is why skateboarders dont want to share parks with bikes

Chris Reisner has a blog now, you can always find it in the links. He updates all the time (unlike this place) so make it a daily stop. Brandon, Jordan, Travis and Matt Mardesich have been digging like crazy and there spot is amazing and err, a little intimidating. Check out pictures on Joey Garica's site, which is back in action and another good interweb destination.

On a personal note I finally broke the string of bad luck fridays I was experiencing and managed to have a great time last night without contracting poison oak, or falling off a moving motor scooter.


Anonymous said...

falling of a motor scooter, you really did that shit, WHAT UP JACKS SON! carpeltunafishery inc.

Chris Riesner said...

thanks for linkin me dawg