Tom Robinson from Tom C on Vimeo.
Run, dont walk to PAwoods and buy a video to see more stuff like this. And for godsakes go to axelrad or PAwoods and track down the petition and sign it, and then buy some awesome stuff and support a worthy cause.
Also, I spent a few days off the internet and when I returned I was actually excited about wasting my time here on the online. Go to deluxe and for some great content as usual, particularly a piece on the Trail issue of dig (issue 68, which I am planning on buying 2-3 copies of) and the Jeff Z interview. Interviews are so hot right now. Who the hell does BMX think it is, skateboarding, do we all really care what other people say. And as always Sasquatch Canyon can be found with the other flotsam at the tail-end of the cool wave...that's right the canyon is loosely planning a series of interviews with local and not so local up-and-comers and has-beens. First one Chris Reisner? and maybe expect a more organized post about zines as I recently invested in an issue of HOLESHOT and highly recommend that you do so too. In fact buy a zine, make a zine, just don't start a blog, because they are killing zines and they are useless. oh, and go to life to see the best in both zinery and blogotomy.
UHOH! Mike is addicted to building things. Somewhere to stay out of the sun during January in Santa Cruz. Super fun. Real pictures soon.

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