Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Jam at the Warehouse on Friday, February 27th. Hopefully we will have a more official flier up shortly, but in case we drop the ball here are the details:

Friday, February 27th

BMX and MTB open Jam sessions. Practice starts at 6pm, and get the jam going around 8pm. $5 dollar entry fee with half of the cash being used to buy wood for the new funspot bikepark, and the other half being given out as cash prizes. Riders who enter will vote by secret ballot at the end of the night for King of the Warehouse.

There will be some side contests with dollar entry fees so bring some one dollar bills! High air contests on the box, spine and 7 foot quarter. Long jump and long jump 180 contests (watch out!), bunnyhop contest, and longest skid and manual contest.

YOU MUST WEAR A HELMET TO RIDE, and SIGN A WAIVER. If you are under 18 you must have a parent or guardian sign it, so print it out now. Go to jumpjam.net scroll down until you see "waiver form", click on it, download the pdf print it, sign it. Not as hard as it sounds. And go ahead and sign the waiver right now, even if you are over 18 and that way you can just show up and ride.

Should be a good time, the contest will go late, so you can sleep in the warehouse afterward. Bring a sleeping bag and a pad to sleep on.

We are working on the warehouse right now to get it ready. We already have a 6 foot street spine, 7 foot quarter, trannied box jump and vert wall. Hopefully a few more ramps before the jam. There is also various rails and little ramps in the warehouse. Bring wood and get a bunch of high fives!

check SJBMX.com for directions, or email me, jacksondallen at gmail dot com. Bring your friends.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

get that action face away from that drill