I lifted this quote from a blue falcon interview seen on clickedbmx.com. I think it speaks for itself.So Falcon, being that you make peoples top 5 riders of all time lists so often I was wondering if you have a top 5 of all time and if so who?
Mike Aitken, Mat Hoffman, Chase Hawk, Joey Garcia, and I’m leaving #5 blank because there are too many names coming to mind. Below are two of my dream bikes I found while weighing in on the new Deluxe V brake frames. I'm a huge Deluxe fan but I know these frames have already been outlawed at Chunky Hills due to the berm-destroying-skidfest they would undoubtedly cause. Apparently modulating your brakes is not a necessary skill for making the Olympics. So just buy the 990 mount ones.

holy shit that 125 is so good. I want one of those so bad. Think I might have to pull the trigger even though standard is well standard
Trails are looking sick!! I hope they last.
if not then its off to hell track once again cru...better call up hollywood mike miranda and aunt becky....hmm i think i smell a video clip!
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