It felt like there was something in the air yesterday. About 20 minutes after arriving at the trails Mike jumped off his bike and broke his ankle. Mike has had injuries before (way too many), so he knew something was wrong immediately. In fact, Mike's first words as we gathered around him were something like, "Sorry Guys, I broke my ankle. Go get my car, we are going to the hospital." Bad things couldn't happen to a nicer guy, and you can see Mike was even in pretty good spirits in the hospital.

No word yet as to how long it will keep him from doing this

But Mike always comes back. How many guys do you know that go to work the day after they break a bone? Not many, but that is where Mike is as I type. Get in touch with him and drop a magazine off at his house. Get well soon Mike.
nnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooo such a bummer! First Dusty and now Mike.... WTF's going on... Awesome that he's working with a broken ankle. What a Tropper! Get well soon Mike!
mike your a savage bro keep doing your thing
too hard for the yard..oo! oo!
Cry me a river... Ha ha. Just joking mike. And sorry to the karma gods. Don't come get me. Mike is going to be a computer nerd in a few months at this rate
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