Friday, May 1, 2009

I Wanna Party With That Dude Part 7

Another person who I thought of immediately when I started this little charade parade. Of course his history as a BMX rider, photographer and magazine editor make him an easy candidate for an IWPWTD spotlight. If you have time, let Brian Tunney drop a little knowledge on you about the impact Spike Jonze and some of the other people behind Wizard Publications had on BMX. And to bring it even more full circle, Tunney is no longer the managing editor of DIG and his absence will usher in a new era with Rob Dolecki at the reigns. I have to say I am excited, especially if it means more photos like this or this. But I digress, Spike would make the IWPWTD list even if he had never touched a set of handlebars, because eventually he found the camera. From his envelope pushing work in skateboard videos (think Video Days, Fully Flared and Yeah Right) to his unique and highly memorable music videos and commercial work Jonze puts an unmistakable mark on any project he touches while still remaining delightfully unpredictable. And we haven't even gotten to his feature films: Adaptation, Being John Malkovich and now the highly anticipated Where the Wild Things Are. And then there is his acting career, involvement in Jackass, skateboarding and skate photography, performance art, marrying Sofia Coppola...Do I really have to explain why he makes the list? Enjoy some little gems..
Sabotage.Gap AdAdidas Commercial Fully Flared

Fully Flared Intro from K05T0N on Vimeo.

Newest Project, can't wait... This is seriously just a tiny window into all the radness. I invite you, scratch that, I implore you to take the rest of the morning off from work or whatever else you are doing (unless you are digging or riding or doing something else worthwhile) and watch as many Spike Jonze videos as possible. If need be, call in sick and head to the video store and get the dvd of his collected short works. In fact, buy some beer while you are at it.

1 comment:

jen said...

Hi there!
I haven't been to Sasquatch Canyon in dayyyssss but I am glad I chose today to visit.
I was just thinking about Spike Jonze last night!--we still have Fully Flared and I can't get over it. I was watching a two by four video last night with Andy and couldn't stop comparing it in my mind with FF... The editing is just so good... I just love that there is a real sense that a lot of thought and planning went into the film before they even picked up a camera. You can see that they envisioned a direction and went from there--rather than a bunch of dudes shooting footage and then trying to make sense of it on the editing table.
Also... Where The Wild Things Are?! I heard it hear first, man.
Hopefully see you later tonight!
(Sorry about the mini blog post... I just got excited I guess!)
- janelle