Thursday, January 28, 2010


So, yesterday we rode the park. First time riding in 5 weeks, tons of fun etc. I ride to my car, set my bike down behind it, put my backpack away before loading up. Murph comes riding down the street. Talk to him for a bit. Say goodbye, hop in the car, drive off. What's wrong with this scenario. Left my bike in the middle of the street and it is only still around because Marcus came through and saved it. That's me, certifiable idiot. Apparently I still know how to ride (kinda) but 5 weeks of being hurt made me forget how to not be an idiot so I set off the barn alarm. Here are some pictures from hikes and stuff.

While miles away this was happening.And it looks like it will be sunny for awhile so hopefully you will be seeing a lot more of this soon.except even better because new camera should arrive any day now.

1 comment:

Ryan C./Ice Cold Zine said...

Fuck yea! Heads up, no jam in SR it's suppose to rain. I'll keep you posted.