Monday, March 21, 2011

Austintacious 2

Four days and four nights boiled down into what appears to be two days and one night. Abridged versions aren't always bad, although don't tell that to people who really like the directors cut of Blade Runner. SXSW meant a lot of free music, beer and friendly faces in town. Documented some radness all over town and ran into a bunch of old and new friends. Thanks to Ryan and Mike Fowler, Chad and the kibble mansion for putting us up. Thanks to Henny and everyone in the woods for having us out to one of the most amazing spots I have witnessed. Austin!
In flight magazines are getting weirder and weirder.
Waking up outside in Texas was one of my favorite parts of every day.
Texas seems to have grass conveniently next to every spot.
Wheatsville. Everyday.
Anthony and his papa.
Pizza zombie party. Anthony engineered this 4 for $5 deal by buying it off of someone's table.

Austin is big on breakfast tacos.
The runway was the craziest part about this wallride. Ghostride.
Ryan only started riding harder and harder as his shoe disintegrated.

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