Tuesday, May 11, 2010

our own backyard

Internet weirdness. Video of a place that is 1/2 hour away that we used to ride gets spotted on a the original trailblog from the otherside of the world. Seen on Prettyshady.com.Looks recent. Whatever happened to racers that really shredded? Double-dose of BF.

Olympian Mike Day a few years back.


Nick Dawg said...

Can I be the club president of half ass racer and half ass all around rider? :)

Sasquatch Canyon said...

Nick, you more than qualify for the "racers that truly shred" criteria. BF would totally approve of your wallride maneuvers and high low passes.

mike said...

uuuugh, so fuckin wack. im pretty sure that was just the same run played over twenty times from three different angles, from the king of trail poachin racers.

Chunky B said...

Hey, that's the same guy that so generously built and maintained Chunky JB's...I mean Chunky BJ's.