Sunday, May 4, 2008

coffee and cookies

this photo is pretty old, if you look in the background you can see the stuff coming out of the berm is all torn down and waiting to be rebuilt how it is today. I took it in the morning and love the way the light is falling on the forest floor. plus you can tell i had coffee that morning (check the backpack).

I reccomend going to the 2-hip site, jarrod has done an amazing job with it and they have some new team members that I am really excited about, including Carpleton Beeversworth and Taliban Tom.

Carpleton III jumping a rail and catching dirty tranny on the way to the beach flats

have you ever seen anything as stupid as t-shirt buyers guide? I mean for years we have endured bmxplus t shirt buyers guides, but now this?

Nicole has been painting like crazy, these two peacocks that have yet to have color added but I think they are soo amazing. She has an artshow May 27th and I will post a flyer on here when it gets a little closer.

My shoulder feels pretty good these days (probably about three weeks until i can pump around the skatepark) so I have been riding the stationary bike a bit.

Since I cant exercise outside really otis has been sulking in bed a lot

OH! and check this out!!! my favorite feature on the new bike..Coffee mug holder mounted to the bars...yeah, your jealous. tyring to figure out how to make one for slam bars...

AND THE BIGGEST NEWS OF ALL!! RYAN FOWLER comes to town TOMORROW! and DAVE REUSS on tuesday. yeah.

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