Today I went out to the trails and saw the trail riders equivalent. A red plastic flag tied to a tree. I have heard rumors and they may just be that, but apparently the Canyon might be plowed in the next three months to make room for houses no one can afford. They will probably just sit there half completed anyway. Whatever the case, I got all of my tools out of there, and took down all the cables and locks. If there is anyone who reads this who doesnt already have a key, I would be suprised, but here is everybodys chance to ride the canyon, whenever they want. Try to bring up water and water stuff, but for all I care have a ball. Respect the trails and use them. Maybe we will get lucky and they will be there for awhile. If they are, they will undergo some serious changes and be freakin awesome come next spring. Mike and I have a project that will materialize on here eventually, and I have been looking for some new spots. Expect good things. here is a picture of the redbull dirt pipe contest to cheer everyone up.

Also here is a picture from the bonny doon fire. My aunt lives less than a mile away and I took this (on a cell phone) while on my way to evacuate her animals. The fire spared her house. Some werent so lucky. Hope we get more rain next year, for trailbuilders and homeownders' sakes.

and one from her house

TWO awesome videos by Deluxe, the makers of my next frame. They are an all trails parts and frame company out of the uk. They rule. the first video ends with some helmet cam stuff, which almost seems kooky at first but starts to get awesome if you hold an old pair of bars and watch it drunk in a room with the lights off.
Davros for Deluxe at Barend from Deluxe Bmx on Vimeo.
frog vid from tom robinson on Vimeo.
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