Just got back from a party for Andy Maguire's graduation from an intstitution of higher learning. How many history majors do you know that can barspin-to-feeble-to-180 -to-fullcab down a set of stairs. that is what i thought. You know what the last class you take in the history major is? Standing in the Unemployment line 101. ha.
When I left un-named party goers had filtered into the street and were spraying each other with the neighbors hose. Anthony. recipe for disaster.com.
If you were to study the history of Andy Maguire this photo would be a class unto itself. hungover toothpick.

Visit passionbmx to download a pdf of their online zine. The magazine focuses on photography bmx and otherwise, and is fun to navigate.
Some out of towners from Sacramento came and shredded the Canyon yesterday. Jumped over the creek and everything. I didn't make it down to see in person but I am PSYCHED!! Thanks for coming guys, and showin the trails who is boss.
check out trailscene for pictures of lots of dirt art (including the canyon).
liquid dirt has a cool new video up shot at their trails.
This bike is on craigslist, and I cant stop looking at it. I dont think I am gonna buy a cruiser, and definitely not a GT, but I really want one for some reason. I guess I just like going fast. Maybe I will race 35-39 cruiser in ten years. Build up a .38 special and just get fat.

a cool drawing of the olympic track in China. I think it looks really fun. the pro section that jumps over the berm is reminiscent of the canyon future line. click on it to make it bigger.

photo of the year? yup!! Sundays. Jim told me that the place was crafted out of butter.


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