Monday, March 30, 2009

Weekend Edition...on Monday

Jim like-a-the-wallrides.
photos by Brad Davies.

Kelly gave his house a nice little housewarming party. The house was literally warmed by the sometimes-too-large pallet bonfire outback.

Read some interview with Chad Shack about the things he is working on and doing (neither of which include bmx any more). Dude was really good at little bikes, and has an impressive body of video work too, although I never try to take it personally when people move on to other things, there are a lot of ways to get kicks, afterall. I thought I would reminisce with this one a bit. One of my favorite parts from one of my favorite videos, can't believe how well Tracy Chapman worked for this part, although Ryan Fowler and I did drive like 6 hours from Oregon to Redding with Tracy Chapman's self titled album on repeat. Also, I think dude in the yellow shirt in the intro might be Jeremy Whitek? Dave, you wanna weigh in on this one?

Spent some time laughing and riding in the woods this weekend and checking out some sweet improvements at an out of the way spot, including an amazing treehouse/platform thing. It was kinda like this.
Dirt don't lie but sometimes I forget about all the sweet concrete tucked in the corner's of this world.

Anthony? Click this to go to a place that always has a better case of the Mondays than the gloomy canyon.

ALMOST FORGOT! Camping trip at the Canyon soon. Sasquatch's lair is currently being getrofitted to make adequate sitting, sleeping and firegazing room. You'll know more about it as it gets closer, but I thought I would drop this artist's conception of what the trip should look like.